A safe car seat is a car seat that is safely installed. If you’re a first time parent, most hospitals will require documentation that shows that your newborn car seat has been professionally fitted.
See below recommended providers who offer professional installation of your capsule, car seat or booster. When you’re at your appointment, our top tip is to ask all the questions and learn how to fit it yourself. On average, you will remove and reinstall your car seats around six times a year, so the more comfortable you are with the process, the better.
Find a Fitter closest to you.
Diamond Creek
0448 678 780
Mt Waverley
0412 646 911
(03) 5193 0240
0435 743 274
[03] 9509 9355
0414 980 144
Mater Hospital, Logan, Stafford
0438 858 299
0415 748 857
Leaderville, Joondalup, Brentwood
(08) 6244 4880
08 8941 8234
(02) 83990333
(02) 43234449
(02) 97915955
0417 473 492
(02) 9690 2302
(08) 8202 4600
(08) 7089 8554
13 27 22
13 27 22
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