
Found a lower price? We’ll match it. It’s baby shopping, simplified.

Valid for an identical in-stock product (including delivery). Excludes ticketed items less than $100 AUD, stock liquidations, goods shipped from overseas and marketplace purchases. Please see our terms and conditions below for more details.


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The Memo Price Promise Policy applies to items priced at $100 AUD or more. Advertised price must be in Australian dollars. The Policy does not apply to goods shipped from overseas, marketplaces, pharmacies or expos. 

Item must be identical in Brand, Model, Colour and Size, and must be new and in original packaging. Excludes floor stock, stock liquidations and discontinued items, gift with purchase items, Gift Cards and items on pre-order.

Item must be in stock and available for review and purchase on retailer’s website or in a current catalogue. Excludes verbal or written quotes and advertising errors. Excludes member only pricing, coupons and cashback offers.

The Memo will match the original advertised price only, including any delivery fees. No further discounts will be applied to the matched price, including loyalty member discounts. 

The Memo Price Promise Policy cannot be applied to a prior purchase or an existing pre-order.

The Memo Price Promise Policy will be applied at the discretion of The Memo and we reserve the right to refuse a Price Match request or limit the sale quantity. The Memo may alter or terminate the Policy at any time and without notice.

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