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The Let’s Play! Playlist

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Music to encourage self-play, concentration and creativity in little kids.

Kids thrive on stimulating all the senses: touch, smell, taste and of course, sound. Sonics and frequencies can assist in amplifying our ability to concentrate and sleep deeper and re-energise. With this in mind, music plays an important role in our kid's development. Powerful melodies nurture curious thoughts, emotions and behaviours.

To help you set the mood and get their artistic juices flowing, we’ve whipped up a playlist to be popped on during playtime. This mindful playlist can help increase creativity and concentration when heard by small ears (and big ones, you’ll like it too). A selection of new and old Disney classics, popular folk, classical and soft pop, it’s the perfect for a rainy afternoon and filling the room with magic, as well as lifting everyone's mood and (hopefully) increasing task performance.

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