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What The Memo Parents Are Buying For Their Toddlers and Preschoolers

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Gifts, but also parenting tools.

A lot of changes take place between the ages of 1 and 5 years old. A cooing bub to big kid in a blink. During these years, it's not so much about providing toys to entertain them as it is tools to help them explore and understand their worlds, bridge transitions and express their feelings. Toys are definitely part of that but talking to the parents of this age group at The Memo, they are more like aids in parenting, because after one, the parenting really beings. Here's what toddler and preschooler parents are buying for their kids now.

Second Scout Little Agenda

“My 5-year-old loves a structure, relishes being 'in-charge' and needs a routine to help him feel certain about his day and week ahead. We'll be incorporating this weekly planner from Second Scout into our mornings so he can plot out his week and see which activities he can look forward to, and when.” — Phoebe.


My Happy Helper Evo 2.0 Learning Tower

“‘Iceys’ (toddler speak for ‘ice cream’) is the word of the moment for my 20-month-old who loves to be involved in making homemade banana and coconut ice cream. all the fun, none of the sugar crash. Cooking in our house is a fun messy event that my 20-month-old loves to be involved in. The Learning tower gives him the independence he craves and he loves being at a height to help pour the ice creams into the We Might Be Tiny Frosties moulds.” — Georgia.


Miniland Soft Bodied Doll

“With a new sibling due to arrive in May, a doll will be the perfect gift for my 20-month-old son. A friend told me that role playing with a doll ahead of the baby’s arrival is a great way to prepare an older sibling for being a helper and (hopefully) make the big transition a little easier on them.” — Rowena.


Reusable Babycino Bamboo Cup

“A friend recently introduced my son to Babycinos and he loved the cup so much he carried it around with him all day (even to his cot when he went to sleep). This reusable cup will be a more environmentally friendly way for him to enjoy his ‘cino while Mum and Dad enjoy their coffee!" — Rowena.


Twin Pack Original Kiddies Cutter

“I'm really excited that my son is in the helping stage and wants to participate in all meal prep but it does raise my heart rate when he wants to cut with a kitchen knife. To be able to offer him a safer alternative to master his sous-chef abilities is a real win.” — Kate.


Hot & Cold Bento Box

“This box is a game changer for me as Jack doesn't love sandwiches so to have a section where a warm meal can be stored easily is fabulous. It's also a big timesaver as I can just put dinner leftovers.” — Kate.


Rommer Smoothie Cup

“This product was clearly created by someone who also longer wants smoothie all over their couch and carpet due to over squeezed squishy and straws ripped in and out of holes. This smoothie cup has a stainless steel interior and a straw stopper making it a parent's BFF. It's also super cute disguising the strategic construction of it. Genius.” — Hannah.


Kip & Co Organic Cotton Quilt Cover

"Fran has transitioned out of her cot a while ago and it’s been a journey for everyone, now that she’s 'free' to wander around the house, she ends up in our bedroom every night. I thought refreshing her bed might make sleeping there fun again for her, so I showed her the Kip & Co Sheets and she’s so excited to have new ones for her big kid’s bed! She picked the ones she liked most and she can’t wait to sleep on them. I can’t complain because they have such a nice quality." — Cande.


Look Inside Your Body By Louie Stowell

“I have one curious kid and he’s currently fascinated with how everything works and what it’s made out of. The body is a big topic of interest, and this is just the thing to help explain it.” — Alexandra.


Mimi & Lula Velvet Crown

“The dress-up box is hot at our house, but the specific TV character costumes always cause drama with my two. Since having the more generic costumes, they’ve been so much more imaginative with their play, developing their own characters.” — Nat.


Sticky Lemon Small Meadows Envelope Backpack

“These are so cool and so well made (from recycled PET bottles) and therefore so easy to clean. I’ve never seen a bag stay so fresh for so long. Perfect size and weight for preschool.” — Jess.


Oricom Sleep Trainer Clock

“As the parent of one early riser, this has been so helpful. It’s taken some time, but he knows now when he wakes, if the clock is blue, it’s not time to get up. If it’s yellow, it’s time to start his day.” — Dean.


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